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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》




    🐈 S常速朗读👂👇



    I dare not say how correct the arguments in the book are. Nor dare I wish that all these readers would agree with my views. What I want to say is everything I said in this book is true. This is a principle I uphold all my life. I would like to take this opportunity to express my best wishes to the people of Britain. Thank you!



    I dare not say
    how correct the arguments in the book are.
    Nor dare I wish
    that all these readers would agree with my views.
    What I want to say is
    everything I said in this book is true.
    This is a principle
    I uphold all my life.
    I would like to take this opportunity
    to express my best wishes
    to the people of Britain.
    Thank you.





    I dare not say how correct the arguments in the book are. Nor dare I wish that all these readers would agree with my views. What I want to say is everything I said in this book is true. This is a principle I uphold all my life. I would like to take this opportunity to express my best wishes to the people of Britain. Thank you!

    1⃣️卷舌R ➡️ dare, arguments, readers, true
    2⃣️LN不区分➡️ I dare NOT-LOT
    3⃣️复合元音不到位 ➡️ take [teik]
    4⃣️长短音不区分➡️ wishes, these
    5⃣️错误发音 correct [kə] book [bʊk] would[wʊd]


    Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends:
    Good afternoon.
    The English edition of Zhu Rongji meets the press is being introduced here today. I would like to thank Mr. Yu Zhengshen, party secretary of Shanghai; Lord Patten, a chancellor of Oxford Univercity; Mr. Liu Xiaoming, ambassador of the People's Republic of China; and all the other friends and guests who have come here for the introduction. My good friend, Dr. Henry Kissinger, wrote a wonderful foreword, which adds luster to the book. And for this, I wish to express my thanks and respects to him. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all the editors, translators and publishers, who worked so hard on this project.
    The years from 1991 to 2003, while I served as Vice Premier and Premier of the State Council of China; and also the crucial years when China was making a transition from a planned economy to a socialist market economy. We undertook serious and major reforms, beginning with reform of the finance and taxation systems. It was also during this period that China effectively brought serious inflation under control and achieved an economical soft-landing. Subsequently, we successfully coped with the impact of the Asian financial crisis, reversed a deflation trend, and maintained the stable and rapid economic growth. At the same time, after arduous negotiations, we joined the World Trade Organization, which was a greatest forward in China's opening up to the outside. All these are touched upon in the book. I hope this book will help people better understand China and promote cooperation.
    I dare not say how correct the arguments in the book are. Nor dare I wish that all these readers would agree with my views. What I want to say is everything I said in this book is true. This is a principle I uphold all my life. I would like to take this opportunity to express my best wishes to the people of Britain.
    Thank you.


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