• 柯柯魔     别致英语: "Pilgarlic"和"fuddy-dudduy”

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Today’s lesson is focused on descriptions of people. Both of these words are nouns, and they actually sound funny.

    So the first word is pilgarlic.

    Pil-gar-lic 怕以儿歌啊儿了以克 (in my awful Chinese transliteration)

    Bruce Willis (布鲁斯 威利斯) is a pilgarlic. Can you guess what it means?

    It means someone who is bald. So, anyone who is baldheaded can be called “a pilgarlic”.

    But where does the name come from? It actually comes from two words: “pilled”(peel) “garlic”. Because a bald person’s head looks like a piece of peeled garlic, they would call them “pilled garlic”, which eventually changed into “pilgarlic”.

    This looks like lot of bald heads, yes?

    The next word is “fuddy-duddy”.

    Fu-ddy-du-ddy 发地大地

    I’m going to be honest, my grandpa is a fuddy-duddy because he doesn’t like computers. Can you guess what it means?

    It means someone who is old-fashioned, or doesn’t understand new things/maybe doesn’t like them. But being a fuddy-duddy isn’t just about technology. Even fashion can make someone seem like a fuddy-duddy.

    These words are also unique because not a lot of English speakers use them, so go ahead and try it to surprise all your friends!

    1970-01-01   29赞       1踩       1926浏览 评论(19)
男 中级配角lv28


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